There’s nothing quite like receiving a beautiful hand written note. Even more so when it’s someone saying Thank You.
This week I received some gorgeous notes in the mail from two of my wedding clients. They were simple words, but they touched my heart as they’d taken the time to write and post them off amongst the hundreds of other cards they were writing.
Thank you Molly and Tanya, you made my day.
So this got me to thinking on wedding etiquette. I’ve been to a few weddings in my time and I’m saddened to say that a large majority didn’t send thank you notes out after the big day. I’m a firm believer that it’s good etiquette to thank your guests for attending your wedding – and for their gift. After all, your guest’s generally aren’t present when you open it, so it’s always nice to acknowledge it was received.
So what does a thank you note have to look like?
There’s no hard and fast rules. In the Alannah Rose boutique we do of course have matching thank you cards if you would like to tie in with your stationery theme and give the guests a little reminder of the day, but if budget does not allow, a simple pretty piece of note paper will also do the job. It is after all about the sentiment.
Wedding Thank you cards available from Alannah Rose. Clockwise from top left: Latte Lace Folding Thank You Card, Embellish Monogram Thank You Card, True Romance Thank You Card and Style Wedding Photo Thank You Card. More styles available in the online boutique.
What should you say in your thank you card or note?
Thank you of course! You can say a simple thank you for sharing your day, or you can be more specific and mention the gift you were given and how you are using it.
Here’s a couple of examples that might help you along the way.
For a gift of Money:
Dear Suzi
Thank you for helping us celebrate our wedding day.
We were so pleased to share this special occasion with our closest family and friends.
Your generous gift is appreciated and we will be using it to put towards our kitchen renovation.
With love from Jack and Ainslee Richards
For an actual gift:
Dear Alannah
Thank you for sharing our wedding day with us, we were so pleased you could be there to help us celebrate.
The Vera Wang champagne flutes are divine, we used them for our first celebration toast on return from our honeymoon!
With love from Jack Richards and Ainslee Smythe