We have some exciting things happening at Alannah Rose in the next couple of weeks. All I’m saying right now is New.
Sooo, I need to update a few things, dot my i’s cross my t’s, and google is not playing nice (or the fact that my technical issues this week have extended to everything), so here is my request.
Above: Digital Print by Sew Saucy Stitches
I know so many of you have linked to me, posted my parties over the last five years, for that I thank you so much. I always try to say thank you for those I know of, and add you to my blogroll.
If you have me in your blog roll – and I have not (and I”m so sorry I haven’t!) added you into mine yet, can you please comment below or email me?
Likewise, if you have featured one of our parties and I haven’t spoken or emailed you this week, could you please do the same with a link to the party? A lot of you I know of, but I just want to make sure I haven’t missed anyone. I’ll be making some requests for ‘as featured on banners’ from you!
thanks so much everyone – and always for your support of our business, it means so much! x
{thank you!}